Well, as most of my twitter friends know. I have ordered 4 copies of the Twilight movie. Yes, I think Twilight/Rob has made me lose my mind, however, I can't seem to resist all the extras. I started with the Amazon copy then moved on to Borders, Best Buy(Bluray version) and then of course I had to have the 3-disk version from Target. Note: I ordered the Bluray version without actually possessing a bluray player. I then proceeded to announce to my husband that we were going to purchase a bluray player and a new HD flatscreen tv. My obsession has taken on new heights, I know.
However, here it is Sunday the 22 of March and I have 0 DVD's in my possession. Well, my twitter friends will be proud of me for exhibiting extraordinary strength and control while shopping in my local Wal-mart store yesterday. I was able to even actually pick up a copy of the Twilight Single-Disk version and not place it into my shopping cart. I even made it out of the store without going back and getting it. Of course, I did pick up a copy of Life & Style that had Rob and Kristen on the cover. All they have to do is stick a picture of Rob on the cover and I just have to have it.
Well, I anxiously look forward to getting my copies of Twilight this week. I have read all the chatter for those of you that have already received your copies and am delighted. All I can say now is that I better clean my house today, because I will not be getting anything done this week. I can assure you of that. Happy Sunday everyone. Have a good one.
I applaud you for not buying another one. You are so funny with the blue ray player and tv. I didn't buy the blue ray one and we have 2 players. Last night Jason asked why it wasn't a blue ray copy I got? I said just in case I'm in the car and want to watch it I have to have it on a regular DVD, and I'm getting the Amazon blue ray set in May. He just rolled his eyes.
ReplyDeleteHave you received your DVD's?